Positive COVID-19 Notification Form

Students and Employees who test positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, shall:

  • Stay home for 5 days; and
  • If there are no symptoms or symptoms are resolving after 5 days, individual may return to campus/work, and
  • Individual shall wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.

Note: If the individual has a fever, they should continue to stay home until the fever resolves.

Student positive COVID-19 notification form
Employee positive COVID-19 notification form

Information included in this form will follow HIPPAA guidelines. If you have any questions please email Alison Osborn at aosborn@suscc.edu .

Student Notification Form

Students who test positive will need to submit the form below:
Click here to complete the student COVID-19 Notification Form

Students are responsible for notifying Instructors directly and completing assignments. Once your notification form is received and processed, you will be emailed return to campus guidelines.


Employee Notification Form

Employees  who test positive will need to submit the form below:
Click here to complete the employee COVID-19 Notification Form

Employees should communicate directly with their supervisor or Dean concerning their absence.